When it comes to making money online, one of the first things many people think about is blogging.
After all, blogs are filled with success stories: “How I Made XXXX Blogging This Money” and so on. For many people blogging is a great solution, since much of the income is passive.
Plus, it costs very little to start a blog. In fact, you could start a blog right now and be up and running in 10 minutes! Personally, my life would not be the same if it weren’t for blogging.
But a lot of people shy away from blogging still.
Because they feel like there are too many things they don’t here.
Here’s why that’s completely wrong….
You Don’t Know Anything About Blogging
Let me ask you something. When you were born, did you know how to walk?
Or when you started school, did you know how to do addition?
Neither did I.
But we all learned as a result of some great teachers, studying, and homework. Now, we can do these things in our sleep.
Blogging is no different. No one knows how to blog when they begin, but we all learn, sometimes by trial and error, but always by putting one foot in front of the other. Over time, we learn to do i t in our sleep. (Yay, passive income)
Some of my favorite tools for learning to blog are bundled together and 98% off – Learn more here.
You Don’t Understand SEO
Can I let you in on a little secret?
No one understands SEO, not even the “experts.”
Sure, those experts might land on a formula that works, and they might even know a LOT about SEO, but no one knows everything about SEO. No one’s method is perfect, and just when someone gets a hold of how SEO works, it changes.
Just like life….
A big part of blogging is being ok with always learning, always adapting, and always tweaking your methods to keep up with whatever changes might be thrown your way.
With 62 eBooks, courses, and resources, 17 bonuses, and at 98% off, you won’t find a better blogging education than the Genius Blogger’s Bundle. Get it HERE for 7 days only.
You Can’t Afford To Start A Blog
I won’t lie, blogging does cost some money, but it doesn’t cost a lot.
When I started my blog 3 years ago, you know what i did when I didn’t have money?
- I set up my social media and let them grow organically (the first 100 followers are the hardest!)
- During that time, I worked on writing content in Google docs (free!)
- And, finding good, free photographs for that content.
- Finally, I set up a free blog, taking my time tweaking it, and working towards domain authority (length of time the domain has been around)
When I started gaining traction on social, I was finally ready to really get down to business and make some money, so I paid $2.95/month for Bluehost to host my blog. In less than a month, I had made back that initial investment – simply because I was smart about when I put money into my blog.
There’s no reason why you can’t copy my methodology & start a successful blog too!
Looking for the most bang for your buck? The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit is 98% off for 7 days only. Get it here before it’s gone!
You Don’t Know What To Blog About
You do need to have some idea of what to blog about before you go out and get your domain name, but what is truly my favorite part about blogging is the ownership you have.
You create the blog, you control the content, and it can be about whatever you want. Lifestyle, decor, parenting, kids, family, cooking, personal finance, business, outdoors, and anything in between.
Or, you could do a hodgepodge of everything that interests you!
Don’t blog about what other people say you should.
Be true to yourself, be comfortable with what you’re writing and keep it fun! Other than those things, it doesn’t matter. Authenticity does.
Get all the guidance you could ever need for your blog, all in one place. The Genius Blogger’s Bundle: 62 resources, 17 bonuses + more. Get it here today!
You Don’t Know How to Design a Blog
I am the least design-minded person out there. Thankfully, free video tutorials, Pinterest, and Canva have made design so much easier now than it was when I started!
Let me say this plainly: You DO NOT need to know anything about design to run a successful blog.
All you need is a desire to learn and improve yourself. The rest will come
We can all improve. The resources in the Genius Blogger’s Bundle can help. 98% off for 7 days only.
You Know Nothing About Social Media
Social media when blogging is there so that you can reach more people that are like yourself.
So it follows that all you really need to know about social media is what you like.
Post pictures of you family, pictures of things that inspire you, and your daily through. Be yourself, and the rest will follow.
The most you post and use various social media channels, the more you’ll learn about yourself, and that’s all you need to know about social media.
We all have to start somewhere, and the good news is that you don’t need much to get started.
The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit can help. It’s a comprehensive collection of 62 eBooks, eCourses, audios, and printables covering almost everything you could want to know about how to grow your blog and work smarter, including how to…
- boost your traffic,
- earn more money,
- create and sell products,
- master social media,
- and so much more…
- A unique Genius Blogging Essentials eCourse to help you pinpoint exactly which resources are right for you right now, so you can take action immediately.
Over $1,387 worth of incredible (and brilliant) bonus offers from blogging companies, like Board Booster, ViralTag, The Hungry JPEG, Bluehost and Convertkit.
PLUS, a full money-back, happiness guarantee, so there’s no risk in trying it out.
But the toolkit is so much more than the sum of its parts.
If you feel stuck in a blogging rut, you can get out of it.
If you struggle with figuring out the best use of your time, there’s hope.
If you’ve wanted to learn from the best but couldn’t afford their ebooks and resources, you can now.
If you’ve been on the blogging “hamster wheel” for years, it’s time to get off that crazy train.
And you can do it all starting today when you pick up your copy of the toolkit for just $97 – that’s 98% off the combined value of the resources!
One thing you can’t do? Wait.
That’s because the The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit goes away on Tuesday at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.
Get yours now while there’s still time!
P.S. If you email your receipt or welcome email from The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit to [email protected], I’ll send you a free copy of The Essential Blogging Resource Guide!

This will go perfectly with The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit!
Plus, every purchase get you an entry to win a Living Well Planner. the winner will be drawn November 2nd at 12pm.
Get The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit here!
This post may contain affiliate links. See my disclosures for more information.
Lol – that’s too funny. It isn’t very often when you read a post that would seem at first to discourage you from starting a blog. What you have said is very true, blogging isn’t super simple. But, it is no too difficult to pick up. I made a pretty simple tutorial for folks interested in starting their own blog if you are convinced that you can teach yourself how to do it: A Simple Tutorial on How to Start a WordPress Blog.
When I started, I really didn’t know anything about social media, SEO, etc. But, I think I’m starting to get a hang of it now after a bit of practice :-).