Hey guys, you know that Craiglist post that went viral a couple of years ago: Bridesmaid for Hire? Well Jen Glantz, writer and bridesmaid extroardenaire interviewed me last night!
Once I entered my 20′s, two new terms crept into my vocabulary: 401k and Roth IRA. With every paycheck that enters my hands, I face a constant battle of whether i’ll spend any spare change that i’m left with after I pay my bills or deposit it into a savings account. That’s why I reached out to Gretchen – the found of the website “Retired by 40!” to answer some of my 20-something financial advice!
Jen: What advice would you give to someone who graduated a few years ago and has been working a “big girl” job for a couple of years now – but doesn’t have much of a savings account or a savings plan (AKA me!)
Gretchen: When you’re in this very position, the first thing to do is talk to your employer and see if they have a 401k plan. Most do and a 401k lets you put a part of your paycheck into a retirement account. What makes it even better, is that some employers will match what you put in.
Jen: What happens if your employer doesn’t have a 401k plan that matches?
Gretchen: Then you should
Go check out the full interview!
*This p0st may contain affiliate links
I had never heard of bridesmaid for hire. How fun! Great interview!
Thanks Stefanie!
Nice interview! I totally agree with you on the groceries/eating out/college answer–definitely areas where we save the most.