Well, its official! Our house is now overrun with kid toys……

Where do you draw the line with toys? We are blessed to have family and friends who shower our daughter with gifts, but I want her to imagine and play without the constant help of toys.
Also, it’s garage sale season, and the Big Guy has found some gems like a swing for $5. It’s a bit older, but it works great, and she loves it. He also found some Russian-made night vision (apparently it really nice, but I have not a clue) that he bought with a pelican case (again, no clue what that means) for $20. He then turned around and sold it for $150…..he’s quite the man, my hubby!
Then this happened:
Apparently tight-fitting clothing is necessary for my baby to not catch on fire. For real…you learn something new everyday!
We took our first trip to the Zoo this summer, which baby RB40 also really loved, and during which she had her first french fry. Ya, I’m a first-class parent!

And, she has 2 teeth and is rolling and almost crawling. She is going to drive the Big Guy crazy hehehe!
But I’ll stop now, seeing as this is not a mommy blog, and you are not here to hear about my kid :-)
Some interesting things in the news:
Netflix, one of the original video subscription services, known of its unbeatable selection and super low prices, is set to raise prices for the first time in 3 years. While not yet set in stone, this hike will be $1 to $2 per subscription, and is expected to hit at some point before July.
Netflix has been contemplating raising the cost of its service for some time now, due to the rising costs of licensing. They are following in Amazon, who raised the cost of their Prime Membership, and Hulu.
I also found this interesting – Is the US turning away from democracy?. I am puzzled by the fact that this new article was published by BBC New Canada…hmmm. But, that aside, the article makes some good points that I agree with and am still mulling over. Seriously, go read it :-)
Also, I dabble a bit in couponing – mainly at CVS for diapers, wipes, razors, and shampoo – and last year I got my annual ExtraBucks email that placed me in the top 6% of savers in the US but this year it got even better:

What’s that? I am in the top 1%. Woot Woot!
Until next time, I will leave you with this:

I used to hate seeing our house over-ran with toys. It gets better the older they get. Now the only thing my daughter wants anymore is her cell phone and clothes.
Lol. Its a losing battle with kids toys. My house is over run by them. Every month I will thin out what we have but the constant barrage of holidays and birthdays always brings more. I think every year before xmas will be a good time to donate all the unused ones. Till then my garage is just a holding space for all the accumulated junk. Now if i could ever get my grandparentes to stop buying these junk plastic gifts and give me cash so I can add to my kids child education funds with some dividend growth stocks. I rather have one share of JNJ than another big teddy bear!!!!!